Monday, June 06, 2005

Two Epic Screenplays and a Sitcom For Sale

The Screenplays
The Imagination of Bliss

The Imagination of Bliss Logline: The Imagination Of Bliss is a gritty action packed martial arts urban Drama about a legendary Sensei who comes to terms with his own redemption and spirituality. Chris Santos is changed so profoundly by the death of his grandfather that he ends his carefree ways doing drugs, fighting brutally, and womanizing. Feeling a new found responsibility and heightened sense of awareness he fights to win back an old flame and help his friends understand some of the mystic energy he feeds on. With Chris’s help, an ensemble cast of strongly opinionated characters eventually come to terms with their own spirituality, several also transforming and awakening anew. Chris dreams of great battles as his wide range of martial art skills change from a more brutal offensive form to kindler defensive one. Chris then turns his attention to a 15 year old he feels he had badly influenced. Feeling responsible for the young painter’s drug abuse he plucks him from a pusher’s den as he is forced to fight his way out killing several men in the process. Although a hero in our eyes the great battle of swords and gun fire lands Chris in prison for a few years. Known as a great martial artist in prison he is constantly challenged during fight sequences that turn into riots. In prison he has vivid dreams encountering the spirit of his grand father, and that of Ueshiba the founder of Aikido; considered the greatest martial artist ever. He then discovers that his soul’s redemption is like his martial art transformation; from a brutal kung fu to a peaceful aikido. Coming out of prison he is greeted by his love and all seems like a happy ending but something is missing. Having been humble throughout Chris now feels an intense urge to test his new martial arts knowledge. He visits his kung fu dojo where he becomes a true champion in his heart. His former kung fu peers triumphantly carry him across a street in China Town to his old aikido dojo where he is presented to his old class of students as a living God.

Rabbit Dreams
Rabbit Dreams Logline: Rabbit Dreams is an epic non stop action packed fantasy about a painter who becomes a prophet wielding a magical sword that heals in a surreal medieval time. Alex, an aspiring painter in New York City, dreams of a new world where different levels of spiritual and ideological understanding take on symbolic colors of rabbit fur. He quarrels with his Hispanic mother, his girlfriend and, the police before he is committed to an institution. The beginning flushes out his hidden rage toward the hypocrisy of the unengaged unenlightened who unproductively cling to shallow views of religion. He sees his mother and many churches as lacking the revival and depth the early churches were rooted in. Just as his paintings expose the dread and stalemate of inaction and futile emotion he dreams of becoming a hero who can change and motivate the very powers that maintain religions and conservative thought without the benefit of the true power of God!
In his dream he is transformed into a rabbit himself and thrust into a world in turmoil where he is constantly hunted by evil and temptation. Alex, saved by new friends and his dead father, slowly becomes super natural. After barely escaping several great battles with his life, he becomes the center of the last charge against an evil king. Like a star erupting into a healing light the medieval battle field and even the very manifestation of violent thought is transformed by Alex and his holy sword. The power of goodness and love is embodied in the birth of a new superhero and a new race of superheroes who revel in the radiating inner peace. As the violence ends and the sacrifice of a young human boy by the evil king is stopped, Alex awakes from his dream ready to take on the real world.
Rabbit Dreams is an epic action packed fantasy about a painter who becomes a prophet wielding a magical sword that heals in a surreal medieval time. Alex, an aspiring painter in New York City, dreams of a new world where different levels of spiritual understanding take on symbolic colors of rabbit fur. Alex’s real time adventure opens us up to a new appreciation of healing and humanity. He ends a war and gets to the root of violence and healing. Everyone will love Rabbit Dreams, a critically acclaimed block buster that will change the world helping everyone see their religious differences as all share a common intent to love.

The Sitcom
Nada Mucho

Nada Mucho is a gritty Hispanic American sit com set in New York about a quixotic public radio news anchor with a ton of crazy friends who won’t let him grow up. It’s a Hispanic “Old School” mixed with “Seinfeld”. He is also torn between two women. Filled with colorful Hispanic characters with funny nick names, there’s always a party at Beako’s apartment. He wants to save the world with important news and figure out who to marry, but his old friends wont stop the fun. His apartment is where everyone goes to solve their problems or forget about them.